11th October 2008 around 0900 hrs, start calling friends to make a quick plan, me & Amit booked a taxi, bathing was not included in plan but everybody is getting ready like going in wedding, alas! I'm also going to take bath.

Nandi Hills, although a religious place doesn't expect people who really come to visit the temple. Its more like a refreshing trip for couples as they can find lonely places, soothing place for boys because of several reasons.. (drinks, girls..etc ;).

Its around 65 kms from Koramangala, 15 kms from BIA (Bangalore International Airport). We've booked a Qualis @ Rs.7/km. So, total expenditure was Rs1800 + Rs150 (driver charge) = Rs.1950.00 for taxi.
1100 hrs, lunch before leaving would be a good idea because leaving at this time won't be so great because Nandi Hills is "awesome" at 5 eihter AM or PM. So, we'll witness it at 5 PM, yeahhh!!!
1300 hrs, Me, Amit, Nirbhay, Gaurav & Shailesh are ready and has already left for Anshu's & Ripu's place, and then have to pickup Sumit.
1400 hrs, Ripu is under process of make-up, too much concious man..!! Hairstyle, Ironed t-shirt, tidy jeans, stylish goggles, wrist band, , , . . . unending list. humph!! 1430 hrs, Huh!! atlast all 8 set to move out-of-Bangalore.
Oops!!! 1 person still left :), Saurabh. He is waiting at ITC. I'm hungry, lets have some tea & biscuits. Of course, photographs are too necessary, everybody just slimming into groups to be caught in the snaps. hahaha. Bangalore's weather is just awesome ;).
Stomach starts grumbling as we drive to top swirling and whirling, observing the gradual increase in the altitude and exciement as well. Whoop out guys!! its the time to live life.
Entery ticket is Rs.5/head, you can also take your vehicle inside the entry point by paying about Rs.50/-.
Its raining, moisty air, green surroundings, great height as if we can touch the sky. The place behind the temple is the most happening place. Best place to capture. Perimeters of bangalore can be seen from here.
Boy! I never know that photographs are such an unavoidable part of trip. Everybody just to be captured. Group photo, solo performance!! great!! just awesome. Why I'm reapeating awesome so many time??
Wind is so strong that can take you with it. Clouds so caring that they not allowing sun to blind us with its rays. Water droplets so soft that cheeks finding them as if they are kissing. Shrubs so pragmatic that looking as dancing in welcome.
All-in-all a fantastic place to spend a day with friends.
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